How do I feel about traveling? I want to keep on traveling until we can get a sailboat.

Why do I want a sailboat? I want a sailboat because we would have a home base. And it’s tiring carrying my backpack everywhere. And airports are pretty crowded. On leaving day I get really stressed. When you are on a sailboat the waves seem really fun! Our backyard would have the biggest pool on earth!

What are the best things I have experienced so far? Here is my list of favourite things:
My favourite foods were in Turkey. Sibel and my mom make yummy Turkish food. Sibel added cauliflower to our eggs one morning and it was better than delicious!

My favourite accommodations were in Sofia, Bulgaria and Istanbul, Turkey. In Sofia, our apartment had a piano and I loved playing it! I loved our place in Istanbul because it had nice people in the neighbourhood.

My favourite parks were in Valencia, Spain and Istanbul. In Valencia, Gulliver’s Park was big and amazing! In Istanbul, the park was on the roof of a mall! We loved it there!

My favourite dessert was in Sri Lanka. They have nice fresh coconuts and ice cream.

My favourite beaches are in Sri Lanka. I love playing in the waves and surfing.

My favourite transportation is a tuk tuk in Sri Lanka. They are awesome and bumpy.

My favourite place to explore nature was Iceland. When we were driving we could just stop anywhere and explore. I loved hiking on the rocks.

My favourite historical sites would be the Archaeological Park in Cyprus and Pompeii in Italy. I could visualize how it used to be thousands of years ago.

My biggest accomplishment? My biggest accomplishment was Mount Etna. Well Mount Etna was not my favourite. It was not a good start because that was my first volcano. It was a huge volcano! But I am glad I did it.
How do I feel about world schooling? I love world schooling. I will tell you one thing I learned. I learned how to spell the word world.

Eli, it sounds like you are having the most amazing experiences on your world travels! I can’t believe you have been away 6 months already!!
Thank you for sharing your great story with all of us.
Thanks Elaine. I miss seeing you and Mike. We are having a great time on our adventure.
Wow Eli! You have seen so many new and interesting things, lots of new activities and lots of favorites. You seem to be very very happy. Loved reading your story.
Thanks grandpa. I can not wait to see you in Thailand.
Eli! I’m so proud of this post! I can’t wait to share this with the grade 2 and 3 students in my class :). You are becoming quite the ‘world’ly writer!
I can not wait to hear what the class said. I miss you.
Hi Eli!
I think you’re having a great time on your trip for a year. – Emily
I wonder if you’re going to New Zealand. – Aidan
I miss you Eli!!! – Luc
What’s your next stop? – Hailey
I hope you’re still working out. – Astra
When will you come back? – Manish
I hope you come back to Thornton. – Paige
Good work Eli on spelling the word world. – Jerry
What was in the park on the roof of the mall? – James
Good work on making the blog. – Inaya
What was it like climbing the volcano? – Seth
I hope you have fun! – Nolan
Keep the inspirations and teachings coming Eli! Your experiences are inspiring others! (And I can tell that you’re taller!!!) – Mrs. Maves 🙂
From Mrs. Maves’ Grade 2/3 Class at Thornton
Emily – yes, we are having a great time!
Aidan – we think we will be in New Zealand in a few months. We are hoping to visit Australia before that.
Luc – I miss you too Luc!
Hailey – We are in Malaysia right now and then we are going to Thailand and then Cambodia. My mom and dad haven’t planned anything after Cambodia.
Astra – I don’t do crossfit anymore but we visit a lot of parks and we walk everywhere! On travel days it feels like a workout because my pack back is very heavy!
Manish – we have no idea. We love traveling so much that we don’t have plans to stop yet.
Paige – I don’t think I will be coming back to Thornton. Sometimes my mom and dad talk about living in another country.
Jerry – thanks Jerry.
James – My mom and dad don’t have a picture but maybe Mrs Maves can show you. It was called Zorlu Center playground in Istanbul. You would love it James!
Inaya – thanks Inaya!
Seth – it was very hard and tiring. I wasn’t a big fan of it. It was like climbing a giant mountain of all different sizes of rocks. The tiny ones would get stuck in your shoes and you would have to stop and empty your shoes. Sometimes we fell on the bigger rocks. It took us 1.5 hours to climb it and we didn’t even climb the whole mountain. There were big jeeps and gondolas that would drive you up the mountain but we didn’t do that. I don’t think I would do Mount Etna again.
Nolan – yes, I am having the best time of my life!
Mrs Maves – yes, I am growing. I have outgrown some of the clothes I started with. I really miss being in your class. My mom and dad are amazing teachers just like you. I have a grade 2 workbook that I work on. I love writing and reading. We just got a new app called Epic! It has over 35,000 books on it. We are reading so much here! I am reading Weird but True books and they are awesome. Other books that I am loving are the Magic Tree House books, Roald Dahl books, Flat Stanley and Cam Jansen. On travel days I love audio books. I can listen to a book and look out the window on the plane, bus and train. We had a 6 hour bus ride in Bulgaria and I listened to The One and Only Ivan. I loved it!
Thank you for writing to me. I miss all of you.
So you want to be a sailor. That sounds soooooo exciting. It’s something that I would also like to do. I’ve sailed on very small sailboats and Catamarans, but nothing that I would take out to the ocean. I’m envious!
My friend took a sailboat around Greece last year. His stories from the trip were fascinating. I look forward to hearing your stories .
How long will you be at sea? Where will you go? What type of challenges do you expect to face?
Happy sailing,
Hi mike! We do not know how long we will be out at sea. I would want to be out at sea for at least one year. I do not know were we would go. But I know sailing is fun! Well the hardest thing for me would be learning to sail. Thank you so much for the question!!!